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Health and Safety Policy

January 2024

Health and Safety Policy

Wilderdays CIC
Health and Safety Policy

Review Date: Jan 2025
Wilderdays CIC aim to provide activities to families, adults and children in Brighton and Hove for whom woodland wellness activities would benefit their mental and physical health.
Wilderdays CIC allows adults and children to engage in potentially risky activities – e.g. using edged tools and open fires – in a safe way, by following generic Forest School procedures under competent leadership.
Kathleen Sinclair is qualified to OCN level 3 in Forest School Leadership and is the key person in this regard. Kathleen Sinclair has an up to date first aid certificate.
Wilderdays CIC is insured to carry out these activities as will be all volunteer helpers.
Events will be managed by a qualified leader (minimum OCN level 3 in Forest School Leadership)
and a designated volunteer. Children attending without their parents will be under the care and
supervision of a qualified leader (minimum OCN level 3 in Forest School Leadership) and a
designated volunteer and with the consent of their parents. This policy works in conjunction with the
Child Protection Policy and other Risk Assessments associated with individual activities.
The 1974 Health and Safety Act refers to what is reasonable, in given working situations.
Wilderdays CIC will ensure that the event leader/s:
- assess the risks in the environment being used on a weekly (each session) basis
- have written health and safety procedures
- regularly check the area being used for hazards
- ensure that all equipment is suitable for its intended use and is properly maintained and used
- ensure that all adult members are aware of the fire policy and procedure
- ensure that all adult members are aware of the procedure in case of accidents
- ensure that all adult members are aware of and carry out their health and safety
- prohibit smoking on or near the site
- ensure appropriate safety equipment is used where necessary and per procedure
- ensure that parents are aware of the need to supply their children with appropriate clothing for
the environment
Wilderdays CIC will ensure that the event leader/s:
- provide operating policies
- provide pro-forma risk assessments for activities and locations
- have a suitably qualified leader.
- ensure that DBS certificates are provided by any volunteer (other than parents of child
participants) that is to take part in Forest School, where that adult is to have contact with the
- provide the equipment necessary for the operation of the session and manage the
maintenance of that equipment
- provide personal protective equipment as identified in the risk assessments

- review operating policies at least annually and make amendments as necessary
Kathleen Sinclair, on behalf of Wilderdays CIC will:
- be responsible for the safe running of the session.
- have local responsibility for safety and coordinate necessary procedures if an emergency
- take consequential action in response to this incident, which may include termination of the
activity for the day.
- ensure accompanying adults and children (where appropriate) are aware of the operating
policies and provide a good model of their use
- carry out risk assessments (using supplied pro formas)
Adult volunteers will:
- follow operating policies
- work with Wilderdays CIC to encourage and support the children to participate in activities
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others around them
- cooperate with the Wilderdays CIC on matters of health and safety
- use work equipment correctly
Child members will:
- follow the direction of the adults delegated to supervise activities
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others around them
- cooperate with the adults delegated on matters of health and safety
- use equipment as directed
- always ask before using tools
- agree to follow the code of conduct

Equal opportunities and Inclusion Statement
Wilderdays CIC is committed to providing opportunities for people to participate in its programmes
regardless of gender, race, religious affiliation, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability.

© 2023 by Wilderdays CIC

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